
トップページ     Top page
健康教育       Health Education
睡眠         Sleep
不登校        Cannot go to school.
特別支援・発達障害・虐待対応  Special support is required.・
   Developmental disease ・Correspond to a mistreatment.
保健指導・保健学習・保健室経営  Health guidance・
          Health study・Nurse's office management
がん教育・救急処置・薬物乱用防止  Cancer education・
       Emergency lifesaving・Prevention of drug abuse
食育         Food education
環境と健康      Enviroment and health
健康観察・健康相談・健康診断Investigate health・
           Healthconsultation ・Medical examination
運動         Sporting activities
疾病・けが・感染症   Illness ・Injury ・Infection
心の健康・自殺予防   Mental health・Psychiatric disorder・
            Suicide prevention
危機管理       Risk management ・Crisis management 幼児教育       Early childhood education
オリ・パラ      Olympic・Paralympic
性教育・エイズ理解  Sex education・AIDS understanding
健康教育ニュース   Health education news (Back number)

*養護教諭      Teacher in charge of health education
: School nurse
*体育主任      Physical education(Gymnastics)chief
*幼稚園教諭     Kindergarten teacher
*小学校       Elementary school
*中学校       Junior high school
*高等学校      High school
*大学 , 大学院    Universite ・College , Graduate school
*世界保健機関     World Health Organization:WHO